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ter. Almost before we knew it, we were back on the "Hill," excited about new members. Pigtails and purple bows dotted the campus as our pledges lived out the never-to-be-forgot ordeal week. Homecoming Day brought the joyful return of many Phi Alphas or formers years-grad- uate members and active ones, joined by bonds of fellowship and love, gaily sipped tea, talked, and remembered. Everyone soon was dashing in holiday spir- its from one festivity to another. One or the most delightful for us was our Phi Alpha Christmas party at which, gathered in the club ASBUHY, SHANI( room with our tree and presents, we all tingled with that friendly warmth characteristic of the Yuletide season. Excitement exploded as our St. Nick, portrayed by our sponsor, Miss We follow the light of fellowship Robb, bustled in and distributed presents. Officers When we returned in January we threw First Semester our annual "feed" in the club room and feast- President JEANNE SHANK ed on all sorts of delicacies from home; Miss Vice-President MARY LOUISE ASBURY Robb brought us a huge basket of Fruit. What Secretary ELLEN GILES Treasurer BETTY POORE fun it was! Chaplain COltA DUNN All former fall rush parties had been fore- Alumni Secretary DORIS BENSON gone and ours was replaced in February by Second Semester a trip to Baltimore to see, at Fords' "The Man President MARY LOUISE ASBURY V ice-President ELAINE BARNES Who Came to Dinner," starring Alexander Secretary GLOIUA SALEHNO WoolcotL After the show we drove to the Treasurer BETTY POORE Belvedere and round that the hotel's "Francis" Chaplain VIRGINIA CRUSIUS had prepared us the most sumptuous of after- AllUnni Secretary ANNE DEXTER the-theatre's supper. Our evening was com- With the annual summer house party at plete when two members of the cast, E.ric Ocean City, Phi Alpha Mu began a year which Rhodes, and Nicholas Harlow, joined our brimmed over with friendship, fun and laugh- party. 84
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