Page 86 - YB1941
P. 86
Nineteen years have passed since the organ- ization of Sigma Sigma Tau as the W_ W_ Cluh--,~ineteen years of work and play to- Far surpassing wealth unspoken gether in friendly sisterhood. Even today we Officers feel that our faithful alumnae have never First Semester really left us for they look forward to the President BETTY BROWN Vice-President JEANETTE WIGLEY Club's activities with as much eagerness and Secretary KATHLEEN COE suspense as do the present members. Treasurer JULIA COLLINSON August ... A house party at Ocean City Sergeant-at-Arms JANE MELLOR ... A week-end of bridge, of talk and loung- Sunshine Messenger JUNE LIPPY Alumnae Secreiar-y VIRGINIA JOCKEL ing. . dales from twelve to twelve. morning and afternoon swims, sunburn, and Second Semester President ELLENE EDMOND cokes for every meal-and a new club year Vice-President KATHLEEN COE had begun. Secretary JEANETTE WIGLEY September came-Western Maryland again Treasurer HARRIETT DYGERT Sergeant-at-Arms BETTE CRAWFORD opened her portals. And everyone was glad Sunshine Messenger DEBORAH BOWERS to resume active club membership. Soon, A lunuiae Secretary ALICE VOLLMER it was time Ior rushing, and on the day bids
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