Page 84 - YB1941
P. 84
Pan- follenic Councils INTER-SOROIHTY COUNCIL. President: First Lion. Both councils arbitrate and administer Semester, Jenune Shank; Second Semester, common club problems such as rushing regu- Mary Louise Asbury. Other Members: lations, pledging, smokers, and dances. Mildred Melvin, Doris Lubking, Betty Ell- The social calendar of the Pan-Hellenic wein, Betty Brown, Ellen Logan, Frances Councils included inter-organization teas and Dillaway, Betty Armstrong, Mabel Green- a faculty lea which was given by the lnter- wood, Ellene Edmond, Carolyn Rudisill, Sorority Council. Concluding the year's pro- Virginia Bell, Jean Lamoreau, Elaine Barnes. gram, the two groups collaborated in present- INTEH - FRATERNITY COUNCIL. President: ing the annual Pan-Hellenic Dance on May 24. First Semester, William Wiley; Second Semes- Through these councils, an atmosphere of ter, Henry Holljes. Other Members: Philip friendliness and cooperation has created a Bechtel, William Parks, John Ryan, Leigh unity which makes fraternities and sororities Venzke, Royce Gibson, Thomas Lewis, Guy a vital component of coUege life. Windsor, Frank Tarbutton, Louis Elliot, Joseph Rouse, William Vincent. The Inter-Fraternity and Inter-Sorority Councils functioning as separate organiza- tions, exist primarily for the purpose of effect- ing a greater spirit of cooperation existing between Fraternities and sororities and be- tween these organizations and the administra-
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