Page 63 - YB1941
P. 63
He grins now at his stormy sophomore year. link in the social circle but he gets a new His eager return and his sudden assurance. thrill from it-every dance he attends he He thought then the world was his oyster, and checks off in his memory. His work is seri- college his right. He recalls with a Iorgiv- ous again because he can see the end and his able pride the diabolical schemes he concoct- responsibility. He feels close to the seniors ed 10 torment the freshman. He was a pretty because he must soon become one. The clever fellow. He knew the ropes; the campus is his borne; and its people, his campus was his stamping ground; its mentors, friends. He seeks sophistication. He is his buddies. He sought individuality. He impressed. was impressive. Here's a junior. The arch, the investiture, The junior is the lad who is supposed to be and the academic robe have new brilliance in jolly-but is not. The past year has changed his eyes. He watches, half-eagerly, half- him. He links himself with the new Fresh- dreac1ingly, as the seniors in their robes pass man not only through tradition but through through the arch and away-leaving him his new perspective on time. He is an old behind. He has one more year _ 59
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