Page 139 - YB1941
P. 139
mand-"Syes, right!"-and the juniors, look- in" forward to their six weeks in camp, ba~~alion junior officers, maneuvers of the machine gun, the trench mortar, the 37 milli- meter-part of howitzer squads and machine gun platoons. And now the seniors come into focus-the battalion veterans-the officers of the unit-through four years of basic military instruction they have come leading to a com- mission as a Second Lieutenant. But some- how, all are hlended into one, a tactical unit of strength, and loyalty, and courage-the Western Maryland R. 0_ T. C. This precision, reviewed their instructions of the previous and unity is the result of days of study, of years and acclimated themselves to their new drill, of patience and perseverance. For the positions. Then the battalion was formed-it first few weeks, the freshmen were isolated drilled in the fall on Hoffa Field, in the from the rest of the unit and were taught the winter, in the gymnasium. Twice a week came principles of close-order drill. Sophomores the drill periods=-close-order drill, extended- order drill, physical drill, maneuvers, cere- GE1"),[NG THE RANGE monies, practical applicat-ions of classroom SIGHTING THE TARGET theory. And with the advent of spring, out- door drill periods culminated in May with the annual governmental inspection and company competition. In 1941, all this was serious business. Somehow, members of U1eunit sensed the new evaluation America has placed on her armed forces, a new aliveness to the offerings of the student cfficered R. O. T. C. motivated their greater efforts. A certain grim sobriety attached itself to maneuvers on the field-the techniques were no longer acquired in a spirit of fun, but rather in a sense of definite need, for the future looked dark and the need of military preparation became greater. A determination to crowd much practical learn- ing into a short time underlay the cadet re- sponse to instruction, for always in the back of their minds were the requirements of - national defense. For the seniors, national defense needs had already encroached upon their immediate plans-c-all had been ordered to active duty upon graduation in June. And, as the clouds of war hang heavier over the 135
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