Page 137 - YB1941
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of insuring against attack, the nation of their Beginning with scarcely fifty registered stu- birth. As a result, the Reserve Officers Train- dents in the unit, the first graduates of the ing Corps presents a course of instruction in Corps were commissioned Second Lieutenants, which every individual participates with the 0, R. C. at the annual commencement in 1922. definite knowledge that he is increasing his Though small its beginning, the unit has capacity for service ill the event that the great steadily grown Loth in members and in activi- scourge, war, should ever again involve the ties. Today, the H. 0, T. C. forms an integral United States in its destruction. part of the life and instruction on the Hill- the Military Department represents practical lessons in the obligations of democratic citizenship. This year, 1941 ... Spring has unloosed the forces of destruc- tion anew. War comes closer to the American nation, a nation which prepares faster, faster and goes forward to challenge its detractors. At Western Maryland, too, the threat of ccn- Hiot is felt. Senior and junior men outside the R. 0. T. C. receive their draft question. nnircs ; they pass their physical examinations, and prepare to join the army ill June with others of their kind. And in the field, in the classroom, the Reserve Officers Train- ing Corps translates its significance into meaning-union, martialmusic and marching men-marching toward a general prepared- ness. Cadet officers: juniors, seniors ... cadet C COMPANY CAPTAIN TRTF,SLER AND SPONSOR RUDISILl. D COMPANY CAPTAIN WILEY AND SPONSOR DYGER'l' During the administration of Dr. Thomas H. Lewis, a senior Infantry Unit of the Reserve Officers Training Corps was organized at Western Maryland College in March, 1919. Captain Clifford Homer Richmond was the first Professor of Military Science and Tactics of the Western Maryland Unit-a unit which was rounded to inculcate within the male students of the college "standards of virile manhood, courtesy, and broader vision."
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