Page 140 - YB1941
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eJ!!iCi?!l5 CluJ Front and center! Officers President ROIlERT HAHN Vice-Presidru WILLIAM ADOLPH Secretary-Treasurer THOl\'lAS LEWIS Sergeant-at-Arms HENRY TRIESLER Organized in 1926, the Officers Club, an organization of senior cadet officers of the Western Maryland R. O. T. c., coordinates the activities of military students with those of other campus groups. Fellowship, citizenship and the promotion of further study of military problems comprise the basic pu rposes of the organization. TRACING TRAILS OF STRA1'EGY ON THE FIRING RANGE United States, the college men trained by the Reserve Officers Training Corps take the places envisioned for them at 'its inception-the role of emergency leaders and officers to command, to train, to lead. Today, America breeds a wall-a ring of steel, of ships, planes. and guns, of men and materials. America needs the character in- culcated through the years by the H. O. T. c. for national character is the core of national defense. America-the nation of Washington and Jefferson, of Lil~boln and Lee, and millions of ordinary men and women who crossed the oceans and plains, who toiled, and sacr ificed and built our heritage. That heritage was worth their lives to build; it is worth ours to preserve- "And in support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our futures and our sacred honor." America is arming. 136
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