Page 134 - YB1941
P. 134
EXPLAINING A POINT S/w,.din, Cook, Holloway, 'I'"ouprake, DeManM. O'Keefe, Or1.enzi. K""di",: Hall. Huller, Reynold., self-preservation. But a spirit of helpfulness and determination Wi.1S not lacking on the INSPECTION ARMS! OFFICERS, A'I''I'ENTION TO ORDERS campus: numerous Red Cross activities under the direction of Miss Sara Smith and Dr. William R. McDaniel look a prominent part in college life. The library added to its shelves several timely volumes including Soldiers' Handbook, Drill Regulations lor Mountain Drill and Drill Book lor Hospital Corps. And despite their small practical value, these books were well thumbed. But willingness, determination, and a will to win are but complements of something more necessary-adequate instruction and training in the science of militarism. And in the situation which confronted America as she prepared to enter the World War in 1917, her leaders saw a general lack of long-range planning and lack of sufficient cfficerial per- sonnel. And then America fought to a gallant conclusion her battle for the preservation of the rights and liberties she held sacred. For- tunately for her, her leaders, with foresight and acumen, prepared to remedy the situation she had so gallantly faced. Congress, in 1920, enacted a National Defense Act, which in part, 130
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