Page 135 - YB1941
P. 135
fright by the Civil War Congress, isolation and pacifism destroyed its program of providing emergency leaders. But with U10 World War, established a Reserve Officers Training Corps proof" was furnished that in modern life, as a means of providing officers and non- national security is a direct function of the commissioned officers for the Organized entire nation, that the burden of national Reserves. defense must not be, indeed, cannot be, shifted Although regeneration of" the R. O. T. C. to any segregated group. And in 1920, it was dates from 1920, the movement had been exceedingly clear that only by fortuitous cir- authorized sixty years before; but as decades cumstances had the United Slates been saved of peace lulled America into negligence and fro III the Full consequences of previous failure indifference, the Training Corps slipped far to recognize collective duty. She at once from popular concern. Born in a moment of" recognized the necessity of having a profes- 131
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