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to carry them to a score. In addition 10 McPike, who played his usual excellent de- fensive game, Bob Few and Fred Bohn held the faltering line together on many occasions. But the stable was locked after the horse had been stolen and the result read: University of Maryland, 6; Western Maryland, O. The Following Saturday, November 2, pro- vided the setting for the most humiliating defeat in recent years as the Green Terrors journeyed to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, to face the Red Devils of Dickinson. For fifty-four minutes, the Havens grid men outplayed their rivals, ringing up twelve first downs as Biasi and Knepp hit top running form. In the first eight minutes of the fray, the Terrors tallied as Kaplan engineered a pass play that netted 38 yards. With the ball on the Dickinson twelve yard line, Biasi scored in two off- tackle plays for the first Western Maryland goa! in the last three games. Bchn, Philipps, the statistics of the game revealed that the Holljes, and Sorensen, in defensive roles" al- powerf uI enemy backs had gained no less than lowed the Green and Gold to hold their slim two hundred yards via the Terror line. margin. With only six minutes remaining With this thought in mind, all possible re- crossed the Red Devils the sources were concentrated on preparations for in the contest, the Terrors had rallied bril- goal line after an early season climax-the Maryland game. liantly on the one Joot line. An off-tackle To Mack McPike went the honor of leading smash, a successful placement-the Terrors the Green and Gold in their second Baltimore were beaten. A second Dickinson touchdown night game as he succeeded Knepp and Hank only added further insult to the Westminster Holljes as game captain. Western Maryland clan: the score read 13 to 6. Fans, keyed up to a high emotional pitch, had A homecoming crowd, a few line-up hardly settled in their seats when Terp changes, and a relatively weak Washinglon Mearle DuVall shot a long pass to Joe Mur- College eleven turned out 1,0 be what the doc- phy in the end zone; and from then on, there Lor ordered for the ailing team on November was Iiule for the Terror fans to cheer about. 9. For the first time since the opening game, Kaplan, Knepp, and Biasi managed to pick the Western Maryland auack began to f,.!-LIlC- up some two hundred yards but made the tion smoothly as the Terror backs scored al- mistake of doing all the yard gaining in the most at will, both from running and passing middle of the playing field. Time after lime formations. Especially effective-was McPike, they broke through for considerable gains who scored twice. Biasi's off·tackle smashes Oldy to find the down field blocking inadequate also produced substantial gains for the win- SEEN PROM THE PRESSBOX
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