Page 86 - YB1938
P. 86
WITH the most ambitious schedule in years, Professor Makosky's squad of debaters enjoyed a most successful season in debating the question: "Resolved, That the National Labor Relations Board be empowered to enforce arbitration of all industrial disputes." More man thirty debates were held with neighboring colleges. including Penn State, West Virginia, City College of New York. Dickinson, University of Detroit, American University, Waynesburg, NewYorkUniversity, Washington and Jefferson. Bucknell, Drexel. and Carnegie Tech. Most of the debates followed the Oregon Plan; the orthodox debate and the parliamentary session were used occasion- ally. however. Three extensive trips were laken by team members. The New YorkUniversity and C. C. N. Y. debates climaxed a trip through Eastern Pennsylvania. Alfred Goldberg and Frank Sherrard represented Western Maryland at the Debaters' Convention held at Pennsylvania State College, March 18and 19. A third lour was made through Western Pennsylvania, culminating with the Carnegie Tech. en- gagement. The climax of the season was reached in a debate with American University on March 7. before a Monday morning assembly. In keeping with a policy inaugurated. last year. debates were held before various groups in Westminster. Among these were Westminster High School. the Kiwanis Club. and me Rotary Club. After a lapse of one year, a freshman team was organized and met such teams as Western High School ofWashington, D. C" Eichelberger High School of Hanover. Pennsylvania, and the American University Freshmen. The question for debate was: "Resolved, That the several states should adopt a unicameral system of legislature." eiqhty-twc
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