Page 84 - YB1938
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LE CERCLEFRANCAISthis year has made several steps toward its ultimate ooel. greater student interest in French. The most concrete evidence of the growth of interest was the excellent attendance at all meetings. the French Club liststhe presentation "Carnival in Flanders" at one the local one-day showing of the film was well attended by the college community and by town residents. It is hoped that the presentation ofa French filmwillbecome an annual event on the club calendar. Dr. Marguerite Treille, head of languages at Hood College, was the guest speaker at February meeting. A novel feature of the Christmas program was the singing of carols by a group .of students in the department of Ger- man. It ishoped that this, too, willbecome an annual event. OFFICERS Tables for club members were reserved in the dining hall on Sunday evenings. On these occasions only French CHARLOTTE COOK President was spoken. ALlCE JOHNSON A new constitution, drawn up by the officers, was vtoe-Preejdent adopted by the organization in the early part of the year. JANET M"cVEAN Secrehuy Membership in the French Club is open to all students FRANK SHERRARD Treesurer who are taking, or have taken, courses in French. All meetings are conducted in French except those to which outsiders are invited. eighty
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