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THE ART CLUB is one of the youngest clubs on the campus. Organized last year by a small group of students and faculty members who felt a need for combining their interests toward the achievement of a common coal. the club has grown steadily in membership and interest. lts purposes are to foster an appreciation of the many phases ofart, toencourage creative endeavor, and to make specific contributions to extra-curricular life in the field of art. During the past year, several speakers of note have been brought to the campus. Exhibits of individual art work in various media have been sponsored by the club. In so much as last year's Fashion Show was enthusias- tically received on the campus, the club again sponsored this notable project In conjunction with it, a poster contest in costume design was also conducted. Many interesting and original entries were contributed by club members. The club sponsored a presentation of Paul's Puppets, OFFICERS a well-trained troupe of marionettes, created and directed ELIZABETH ERB President by Bernard H. Paul, instructor at the Maryland Institute of Art. The performance of "The Fiery Dragon," a medie- REBECCA KEITH Vice-President val fairy tale, was handled with surprising skill, and the SUE PRICE Secretary costumes, details in properties, and scenery were done to LOUELLA MEAD Treasurer almost perfection The year's activity was brought toa close with the annual spring banquet.
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