Page 85 - YB1938
P. 85
OFFICERS THIS year the College Sunday School celebrated its forty-seventh anniversary. Organized in 1891 by Dr. First Semester William R. McDaniel, then Professor of Mathematics, it has CHARLES R. EHRHARDT developed into what is now the William G. Baker Sunday ODELL OSTEEN President School Class, taking its name from the chapel in which it Vice-President, Men meets each Sunday morning at 9:15. Highlights of the MARY ROBS Vice-President, Sunday School activities for the year were: the annual CHARLOTTE COOK Women attendance contest, this year won by the freshman Secretary·Treasurer the excellent music furnished by the volunteer choir; fine lessons by both faculty and student teachers; and the Second Semester direct participation in the Sunday School programs by LAMAR COOPER President CHARLES BAER more than two hundred students and faculty. The annual vtce-Preetdent, Men party was held in McDaniel Hall Lounge with a large crowd enjoying the congenial St. Patrick's Dayatmosphere, CHARLOTTE COOK Women entering into the spirited games, and enjoying refresh- Secretary.Treasurer ments. The officers and members of the class worked loyally in order that the class might make the definite contribution to campus life which it was able to do. Student participation was not limited to smallparts ofthe service; student teachers presented many interesting lessons which attracted an attendance of students and faculty varying on different Sundays from forty to two hundred and fifty. The Sunday School stood out as the leading religious organization on the Hill and did much to help in "Finding God on the Campus."
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