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S;tting:-Mariinciale, Parker, Newman SI.,.,ding;-Eckers, free. Ford. Grier. OFFICERS JOSEPH PARKER President EMELINE NEWMAN Vice-Preatdent AMATEUR snapshooters organized the Camera Club this MARGUERITE KORFF Secretary year. The group works around is two-foldpurpose. There GEORGE GRIER Treasurer are many students interested in photography to whom the primary demands of the field are unknown. To them the club is a medium for gaining the knowledge necessary for successful operation of a camera, developing negatives. and making prints. Students already acquainted with the rudimentary technique find the club a source of additional information and one of in helping others develop the Club hope eventually to prove of great to the "Aloha" staff by providing the many informal campus shots used in composing the annual. There are no rigid requirements for membership in this organization. One needs only a definite interest in the subject and access to a camera. The college facilities for developing are available to the club. The year's activities have varied. Several tive and interesting lectures were given by Raver ofthe Physics Department. Differenttypes ofcameras and lenses were introduced and explained. Through the courtesy of the Eastman Kodak Company, slides were procured which illustrated photographic principles. Finally a contest was sponsored. The entrees were constructively criticized at a group meeting in order that all might benefit by the points discussed. Winners were selected by the members. A is being considered as one of next year's major eighty-four
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