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Addie Belle Robb. B.S., !\.M Assistant Professor of History Laurie Brown. B.S., A.M Assistant Professor of Home Economics Hugh Latimer Elderdice, Ir., A.B., A.M. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Evelyn Wingate Wenner, A.B., A.M. Assistant Professor of English Evelyn Lelia Mudge, B.S., Ed.D Assistant Professor of Education John Donald Mekosky. A.M. Assistant Professor of A.B. Moo Carlos Clinton Crawford, B.s.C., Assistant Professor of Economics Business Administration Tryon Mason A.B., Major, Infantry, Assistant Professor Military Science and Tactics Roselde Fowler Todd. A.B.. A.M Instructor in Physical Eduoeuon Philip Samuel Royer, A.B. Instructor in Music Joseph Clemens Willen, A.B., A.M Instructor in Modern Lenqueqes Milson Carroll Raver, B.E. Instructor in Physics and Geology lean Thelma MacDowall, A.B., A.M. Instructor in Speech Alfred Winfield de Long, (Curtis Institute 01 Music). InslruclorinMusic Ethel Owen de Long, (Pea?ody Conservatory of Muslc), Instructor in Music Florence Lorraine G1lskins, (Maryland Institute), Instructor in Art Iesste Louise Campbell, B.S., A.M. Instructor in Biology and Chemistry Clara Alice Cerriaon, B.E., M.S. Instructor in Home Economics Sarah Catherine Trawick, AB., A.M. Assistant to the Dean 01 Women and Instructor in English Bruce Ernest Ferguson, A.B. Assistant Director 01 Athletics for Men NO PICTURE Edward Scott Hopkins, B.S. Special Lecturer in Chemistry Richard Carl Medford, A.B., A.M. Special Lecturer in Art Thomas Joseph Lavin, Stoll Sergeant, (First Lteu- tenent O. R. c.i. Enlisted Assistant George Joseph Junior, Sergeant Enlisted Assistant
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