Page 24 - YB1938
P. 24
DEAN SCHOFIELD To Ihe Class 01 1938: The qreduebon 01 a class always creates a feeling of loss among those of us who remain behind. This feeling comes over me as J think of the time of your departure. The excellent leadership and fine cooperation of the class of 1938 is leaving CI very desirable imprint upon the charaeler of our student body and the life on the campus. We send forth confident the Officers of Administration Fred Garrigus Holloway, A,B.. B.D., 0.0" LL.D. President William Roberts McDaniel, A,B., A.M.. SC.D. Vice-President and Treasurer interest and I hope Samuel Biggs Schofield, A.B., A,M contentment that come Dean of the College whileaclivilies BERTHA S. ADKINS Alvey Michael lsanogle, A,B., A.M., ED.D Dean of the School of Education Dean of Women D.O. Education Lloyd Millard Bertholf, A,B., A.M., Ph.D. MEMBERS of the Class of 1938: Asthis college year rolls Dean of Freshmen to its close and as this, your Senior Year, cuI Carl Lawyer Schaeffer, A.B., B.S.E. the greatest climax of your educational career, Assistant Treasurer and Secretary to the the privilege [ have hed in knowing you this Faculty I have learned to know the liner traditions 01 Anna Houck Isencq!e Western Maryland College your etbtudes, Registrar your activities, and most of all Lincoln Forrest Free, A.B., A.M to this fine old college. Dean 01 Men I!is my sincere hope that you will carry with you tI living thought of the hClPPYand fruitful experience of your under Bertha Sheppard Adkins, A.B Dean of Women graduate days and that your success be as abundant es Sarah Catherine Trawick, A.B., A.M. the joy of your anticipations. L. FORREST FREE Assistant 10 the Dean of Women Dean of Men "Louise Bates Fisher, A.B Aaststent Reqistrer "Deceased.
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