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Nannie Camilla Lease, A.B., A.M. Professor 01 Speech, Emeritus Carl Lawyer Scheeffer. A.B., B.S.E. Assistant Treasurer and Professor 01 Physics Maude Gesner, (New England Conservatory 01 Music), Professor of Music George Stockton Wills, Ph.B., Ph.M., A.M., ui.o Professor 01 English Mary Olive Ebaugh, A.B., A.M., Ed.D. Professor of Education Clyde Allen Spicer, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics Theodore Marshall Whitfield, A.B., Ph.D Professor of History Minnie Marsden Wl1rd, A.B., A.M. Librarian Seveme Spence Maclaughlin, Mejor. Inientry Professor 01 Militery Science and Tactics Lewis Henry Brumbaugh, A.B., B.D., A.M. Associate Professor of Religious Education Sara Elizabeth Smith, A.B., A.M. Associate Professor of Education Edgar Bryan Jenkins, A.B., A.M., PhD. Associate Professor of Classics Edwin Keith Schempp, A.B., A.M., Ph.D Associate Professor 01 Economics and Business Administration Hugh Barnette Speir, A.B., A.M. Associate Professor of Phystcel Education Kathleen Miriam Munn. A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Modern Languages Mabel Blanche Harris, A.B. Assistant Professor of Music Dean White Hendrickson, A.B., A.M Assistant Professor 01 English Cloyd Lawrence Bennighof, B.S., M.S. Assistent Professor of Biology Marie Parker, B.S. Assistant Professor of Physical Education Esther Smith, (American Academy of Dramatic Arts), Assistant Professor of Speech Frank Benjemln Hurt, A.B., A.M. Assistant Professor of Political Science NO PICTURE Margaret Julia Snader, A.B., A.M Assistant Professor of Modern Languages Gertrude Morgan Shipley, (Peabody Conserve tory 01 MUSic), Instructor in Music Mary Louise Shipley, A.B. Instructor in Art Library
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