Page 23 - YB1938
P. 23
MEMBERS of the Class of 1938: Four years have come and gone,- how quickly] You entered college with the feeling of uncertainty, moving into an environment that was not only new but strangely different. A peculiar loneliness gripped you. Now alter four years your feeling is just the opposite. There is hardly a place in the world where you feel more at home than on the campus ofWestern Maryland College. There is a strangeness that you feel now, the strangeness of the realization that you will not be returning to college in September. Western Maryland College is your home and the institution that bears her name is your Alma Mater. You have entered into the great family of her children that look to her as one of the great benefactors of their life, who now, all over the nation, rise to call her blessed. You already know the bond that unites your classmates and your schoolmates in love and loyalty to college that has fostered your education. You will now know the larger familyof her children. As one class followsanother in graduation, so you will join those who have preceded. You will "become of age" with the many ahead of you in your relation to your Alma Mater. I am reluctant to let you go, for it will seem strange to me not to see you back on the campus in September. I cherish the hope that you will frequently visit the campus of your Alma Mater. Let me assure each ofyou of myheartiest good wishes and pledge you my continuing friendship. FRED G HOLLOWAY President PRESIDENT HOLLOWAY AND FAMILY
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