Page 31 - YB1938
P. 31
FRANK MALONE President ELEANOR TAYLOR Vice-President CHARLES BAER Secretary ETHELBERTA GOSNELL Treasurer ELIZABETH ERE Historian ELWOOD ANDREWS Serqeant-at-Arms LeU 10R;Qht:-B~er. Go.nell Maione. Taylor. Erb. Andrew •. s.: FOUR years! . Orientation week . receptions ... the thrill of going back home that first Christmas vacation first Lantern Chain Strutting before the awed freshmen our athletic prowess our self-acknowledged leadership in social and mtelleo- tual circles the sobering influence of the comprehensives... Education courses the dawning of a new scholastic . the inception of the Dean's List our Prom and Prom Queen Supposedly dignified seniority. practice teaching. senior breakfast. the last spring vacation. . investiture attempting to cram all that we have missed in four years into a few crowded weeks. baseball, tennis, and golf . last Lantern Chain . the cup ceremony .. caps and gowns .. proud parents ... the coveted sheepskin. Four years! . "the" four years of our lives. years of growing. worrying, working, playing, and laughing together. Firm friendships will bind us to our intimates. May the tre- ditions that we have absorbed bind us to the Hill. twenty-seven
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