Page 111 - YB1938
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OFFICERS MIL TON HENDRICKSON President CLAUDE ADAMS Vice-President MAJOR LEON TIMMONS Recording Secretary S. S. MacLAUGHLIN CHARLES TRADER Corresponding Secretary Honorary Member ALEXANDER RANSONE Treasurer WILLIAM BENDER Sergeant-at-Arms A new year a new honorary member, Major MacLaughlin, to provide a steadying hand. Plans to be made for the year's activities. work, yes, but pleasure too. The club smoker. . new friends to be made and won, songs, jokes, a short talk by Dr. Holloway, entertainment by Major MILTON HENDRICKSON "Mac" the smoker is over and hopes are high. President The Black and White dance approaches and arrives . plans couples sway rhythmically to captivating music . then Chrisbnas vacation. Bids have been sent out and vacation ends with ten new pledges. And then initiation. March. And Pi Alpha Alpha is fifteen years old and fifteen years of work, pleasure and experience lie behind with the alumni members. Ambitions for the future are high in the hearts of the present members. Sports, too, enter in . competitor. The Pan-Hellenic. cooperation a swell dance. The banquet at Clear Ridge Inn. good food and good fellow- ship. New officers elected what was a new year slips to the past but not to oblivion. A new year approaches when new plans will be made to carryon the Black and White club and its ideals. one hundred seven
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