Page 115 - YB1938
P. 115
J(JC PREVAILING in J. G. C. is an air of mystery, a flair for pleasure, and a spirit of friendliness, depending upon the occasion. Halloween found the club giving its informal rush party in Blanche Ward Lounge. A tangled mass of string met the guests at the door. The purposei--cto sort of help one to get in the spirit of things. The problem?-to follow the winding cord to its ultimate goal, a favor of the evening. Pledging, formal and informal initiation followed in regular succession. In the last procedure. the "victims" received adequate attention from those who. in former years, hed had similar experiences. The ordeal was not without its reward, however; a the final step in making the J.G.C. Later in the year the organization held a matinee movie party at the Carroll Theatre, where the group witnessed a fine performance of "Wells Fargo." Dinner at Windsor Inn followed. The final event in the year's calendar was a joyous week-end party down on the Magothy where all the inlor- malities of living at the shore were duly observed OFFICERS This week-end brought a happy ending to another year of 1. G. C. still in the same old pattern VIOLET GIBSON President as in 1894-an air a flai.r for pleasure, and a ELEANOR TAYLOR Chaplain spirit of friendliness. MARY VIRGINIA COOPER Treasurer one hundred eleven
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