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BETA BETA BETA is an honorary society for students of the btoloqicel sciences. Its membership is reserved for those who meet certain scholastic requirements and who indicate aptitude for biology. It desires to encourage intellectual interest in the natural sciences and aims to advance the general objectives of education. It has a three- fold program-stimulation of sound scholarship; dissemi- nation of scientific knowledge; and promotion of biological research The society was founded at Oklahoma City University in ROLAND WATKINS 1922. Since thai time thirty-sixchapters have been organ- ized in this country, and three in Asia. On January 15, President 1932 the professors and students of the Biology Deparhnent of Western Maryland College met and elected officers for Alpha Mu, the local chapter. None of the members will forget the Friday afternoon meetings at which time the latest books were discussed amidst tea-sipping and cake-munching. Nor will they forget the enjoyable monthly meetings at the homes of Dr. Bertholf and Professor Bennighof. On April 9 the Western Maryland chapter was host to representatives from the chapters of three neighboring OFFICERS colleges. Observation of student projects, field and re- search work, and round table discussions were the program ROLAND WATKINS President for the day. VIRGINIA CALLOWAY Vice-President This year Tri-Beta was fortunate in having talks by two former members, who have done further work in the field SHERWOOD BALDERSON of biology. To end an active year there was the annual Secretary outing at Cascade Lake with its swimming, boating. games, AlleE ANDREWS Treasurer and picnic supper. one hundred ten
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