Page 107 - YB1938
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FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS PERSHING VOLKART President ALVAN MOORE Vice-Preaident EUGENE CRONIN Secretary MAIOR MALCOLM WRIGHT Treasurer TRYON M. SHEPHERD ROBERT INGRAM MALCOLM KULLMAR Honorary Member SECOND SEMESTER OFFICERS HARRY BALISH President EUGENE CRONIN Vice-President ELWOOD ANDREWS Secretary W1LLlAM BRYSON Treasurer CHARLES BAER Chaplain WILLIAM SKEEN Sergeant-al-Arms EACH of the fourteen years of the history of Delta Pi Alpha has brought some definite indication of progress, and in this respect 1938 has not been found wanting. In accordance with the emphasis of the times upon consitutional matters, the Fraternity revised and amended its Constitution to the end that its basic laws will be flexible and readily interpreted to meet modern fraternity problems. The Fraternity has been definitely strength- ened and enriched by the guidance and personality of its new Faculty Sponsor and Adviser, Major Tryon M. Shepherd. The Fraternity has continued its enthusiastic participation in intramural sports and extra-curricular activities with the result of closer relationship among its members and creditable standing in the intramural records. It has likewise maintained commend- able standards of scholarship, and was particularly honored in being the first fraternity to receive the Joving cup furnished by faculty donors and presented by the Inter-Fraternity Council to the fraternity maintaining the highest scholarship record in proportion to its number of members. Though the Fraternity will lose a group of fine members through graduation this year, sufficient new members were obtained of such a calibre that Delta Pi Alpha can be assured PERSHING VOLKART through them of making continued progress and a generous HARRY BALISH contribution to Western Maryland. Presidents one hundred three
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