Page 113 - YB1938
P. 113
THE ARGONAUTS,honor society of Western Maryland College, exists primarily for the encouragement of scholar- ship. Its membership is made up of candidates for qredu- etten honors and of students making a B average in their freshman and sophomore years. The activities of the club, however, are not entirely intellectual. They are partly social. It is here that a student learns to know other students and faculty members outside of the department in which he happens to be working. It is here that by an exchange of ideas, the horizon of a student's mind is broadened. The Argonauts this year have been particularly active. ELEANOR TAYLOR At one meeting Mr. EmoryNiles, a Rhodes scholar, told the President society about Oxford University. Another meeting was in the form of a dinner in the President's Dining Hall. Each honor student briefly summarized the work he was doing for graduation honors. Both President Halloway and Dr. Bertholf, one of the society sponsors, spoke to the group The most important event of the Argonaut calendar took place at the banquet in May when the students who were to be graduated "cum laude" and "summa cum laude" were formally admitted to fellowship in the society. On this occasion there was an outside speaker of scholarly distinction. The society this year elected Miss Mary O. Ebaugh as a second sponsor. The other sponsor is Dr. LloydM. Bertholf. The officers of the club during 1937-1938 were: Eleanor Taylor, president; Eileen Henze, vice-president: Anne Chew, secretary; Allie May Moxley, treasurer. Lelt [0 Right:-Scnaefier. Pollenbet~e" Mo~ley, Sh@ttaro, ford. H.,..mann, Henze, Malon.., E. Taylor. Chew, Oleai, Stevenoon, Folt,. Ranoone. E,b,Johnson. one hundred nine
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