Page 101 - YB1937
P. 101
T .. F: !it t· ~ It :\ ,. S"''' 0 0 L OFFICERS Frederick G, Tyrrell Hazel Gompf Viu·Pfts;Jenl Lamar Cooper J'iu-Presiaml EXECUTIVE Sarabe.lle Blackwell COUNCILORS Robert Ingram Charles Ehrhardt Mary Robb Cltoi.,.Dirtdor Dr. L. M. Benholf Adriu, T~d~i~~S~:~V~~~~~iS:e~:ww~o~~~::~~nb~:s=~~I;:hi~: dearly and concisely defined the functions of the Sunday School and its officers. and provided (or B new type of executive control. An Executive Council was set up. consisting of the president, the. twO vice-presidents 'one John Wamll,n (or the boys and one (or the girls) the Secretary-Treasurer and three ether Fredt:riC'kTyrrell members to be elected from the class. This is the governing board of the Sunday School whose chief duty is to arrange the programs in ccllabcranon with the choir director. and to care for any other business of the class ChieAy responsible for this reorganization is Frederick G. Tyrrell ..... OO became presidenr of the class for the second semester and to Franklin W Stevens. who was reelected as Secreiery-T reesurer the second semester. In order to bring 10 the services an atmosphere more conducive to worship, a carefully planned program was arranged for each Sunday. As the basis of the lessens, the book SOCIAL AND RELlG~ IOUS PROBLEMS OF YOUNG PEOPLE by Sydrey A. Weston and S. Ralph Harlow was used The class entertained the winners of an anendance COntest at a SI Patrick's Day party. and the annual pcnic was held at Harvey Stone Memorial Park 17
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