Page 100 - YB1937
P. 100
THE COLI~.;GE c uu u c u THE College Church includes an executive council. the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations, and the Sunday School. The presidents of these organizations, a representative from each of the classes, and Dr. Ebaugh, Dr. Bertholf, and Dr. Little make up the council. which attempts to coordinate under one head the functions and finances of the three groups. By this unification, the separate groups have been able to secure worthwhile speakers, literature, and outside contacts. T h.. C h r i s t i .... .\s " .. e i ..C i ....S The "Y M" and "Y W" desire [0 promote the social and spiritual welfare of the men and women on the Hill. They attempt to make the freshmen feel more at home by assigning to them "Big Brothers" and "Big Sisters". During freshman week both the organizations sponsor picnics or "weinie" roasts at the Pavilion. Early in the fall the women's organization has a "Kiddy Party". The height of the social activities of the year is the annual bazaar. also sponsored by the: two "Y's". This year the:' Mother Goose Bazaar" with its side-shows. entertainment. colorful booths selling edibles. and dancing, was both socially and financially successful. Fiul I." J. Wh,te. L My~n;. M. McKenny. A SleYCnkln. C. C- .. s-.nJ 1.1It- M Whutly. C Cook. M Hoshat1. R. G~\I"C5. H BouttuQn M Rock_II, L Moon 1m' I•• J ao...fn W Flemlnl C Da-nnn, F TyrnU .su."I1... p ~tson. C. Bur C. El\rhat
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