Page 97 - YB1937
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TilE .\ II T C I~•. u THIS year saw the advent of a new dub on the Hill the Art Club. Organized bya group of students who wanted to make a definite contribution to extra-curricular life along this line. the club esrab- lished as us aims the attainment of a working knowledge and appreciation of our artistic heritage. and the encouragement of creative endeavor Those speakers who contributed to the attainment of the first aim of the club were John Meyers. .lr., of Westminster. who spoke on "Modem Trends in Paintmg" Milson C. Raver. prcfesscr of Physics, who discussed his hobby "Photography" and who shewed $OITIE! interesting examples of his work: and MISS Mary Vaughn. whost: experience in working with the Vagabond Theater in Baltimore made her admirably suited to discuss the subject or "Design in the Theater" The interest in and study of art by some of the students qua.lined them to speak 011 such diverse subjects as "Raphael" by John R, Simms: 'The Development of the Chair" all illustrated lecture by Saeabelle Blackwell "Pottery", also an illustrated lecture by Julia Ward. and 'Surrealism" by Ralph Lambert, A notable project undertaken by the Art Club wasa Fashion Show, accompanied by a costume design contest, By the tasteful and chic clothes exhibited, and the. incentive to design original creations. an interest was stimulated in good design in wearing apparel Exhibits sponsored by the Art Club included a series of four showings by Living American Art. Inc .. which brought to this campus some of the latest and best 'WOrk in modem painting. a nne exhibit of the 'WOrk of John Meyers. Jr .. consisting of still life and portraiture. and a large exhibit or Japanese block prints. 9)
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