Page 103 - YB1937
P. 103
THE COLLEGE PLAYERS FURIOUSLY dashing down to Alumni Hall playing Tarzan in the prop room while trying to find tnat fireplace they used in "The Last of the Lcwries" dragging the &by Herk up the steps and wondering if the bulb has burned out yet, the College Players eventually arrive on stage and with a furtive glance toward Miss Smith wonder if this play is destined [0 be d'lal hit which everyone has been hoping (or or if it is doomed 10 be an utter failure. The failure has still to materialize, however. So it has always been with the College Players and so it has been with the present group of drama- minded seniors. who made their first formal appearance last year when they presented rwc groups of one-act plays, including "All on a Summer's Day", "Trifles", "Square Pegs", "Overtones", and "On Dixon's Porch", Then (or commencement last year they made a special project of constructing the NOAH sets. a production that left its mark on the buff-colored -currains as well as on the Good Book of campus pres- emaricns. This year the Players nave continued last season's trend toward period plays, THE ART OF BEING BORED (a comedy originally by Edoua.rd Pailleron) being the most enlivened expression of the trend. Flnl ",_J Harlow. L Sh,pley, B Robbu'IJ,M. Smith. M M..lthews 51(1,,1 ,... R. Lambert. M BI..des., E. Laultrbach. G. Need bam, E HaITUOfl. L MOOI'1! J Smith, M Rock_II. J Wl.tmlon. R Lunmn.(l. E. Gunn C W..tku J Wl.rmAn. M SmIth. J. Harlow. M M"lIh~\Io'l. R umbert. R lunnml. J Smith. E Gunn. L MOOR. f Malont. M Bladn
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