Page 104 - YB1937
P. 104
T .. E COl, I, E 4. 1<; 0 II (' .. EST II 1\ 1\~I) 4'110111 HE college orchestra. numbering forty members, has enjoyed another Tsuccessful season under the direction of Mr. Philip Royer. The members take particular pride in the addition of the recently purchased T ympanii, which have added much to the tonal effect of the group. Dunng the year the orchestra has presented two major recitals. Five student conductors directed a program of early American compositions ar- ranged by Alfred Poehon. This concert took place before the entire student body in Alumni hall on Monday. February I. The College Choir. under the direction of Alfred Delong, has prepared (or Commencement a concert consisting of selections by Bach. Brahms. Handel, Purcell, Dvorak, Ocurcd, and Arkhangelsky. This program will cui ninate a year of hard study by the recently organized Vesper Choir. Philip Royer Alfred Delong F"" ,.... M Sorws K Beyard. R Sp<'OUM:H Lo.o.~ry. C Ehrn.rol, W Ell! K Myers. R. Brooks. A Cooper s.. J , .... N Key$O:' M KOf'lf R LUMmi, M Robb. H W,It .. mt. K Klu~r,A BmUifield, V G,bIon. J W..rd nul, A ~nsbury. T Yahn. M Kempel'. E Pofl',nbupr. S Adk,... M Griffith, A Delonl, W Conrad. P G...:. M s...-... L J..metan, L NlCull E 0- .. 100
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