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AlOIHIA Led by Jack MacNally whose threw desperate passes but the alert McNally galloped 52 yards for a nimble feet raced to five touch- Harlow eleven either intercepted tally. Shepherd methodically added downs, the Green Terrors of West- them or knocked them down. Late the point. In the same period Me; ern Maryland crushed a weak Loy- in the first quarter McNally got Nally ran 58 yards for his fifth ola team 54-0. McNally, who is loose, twisted, sidestepped and touchdown. small in stature, was almost a sprinted 30 yards for a score Shep- phantom to the demoralized but herd added the extra marker. loy- Shepherd not contented to kick fighting Greyhound eleven. "Jack ola received and reached Terror's extra points intercepted a pass and Rabbit Mac" began his scoring 30-yard line as first quarter ended. sprinted 50 yards for a score, then sprees early in the first quarter In the second quarter Cumber- he kicked the point. This ended and before the game was over three land hurled a 30-yard pass to the Terror scoring for the day. other Terrors had added touch- Willis who stepped five yards for Western Maryland's substitutes downs to his scores. a score. Extra point missed. This were in every position when the In first quarter McNally scored pass upset the Greyhounds and GreYDounds pushed to the 3-yard on an 8-yard run-Shepherd kick- shortly afterwards Dunn raced 36 line through a mixture of passes ed the extra point. MacNally yards for a score aided by some and line plays. The final gun scored again on a 10-yard sprint. excellent blocking. End of first half stopped or prevented a score. Shepherd added the point. Loyola Terrors 34; Greyhounds O. TEDDY Cox, when in possession of the ball On third play in third quarter Baltimore American. Johnny Freitas' excellent judg- on Terror 5-yard line-two plays play. Freitas hurled long pass to ment in forward passing and his later Driscoll went across for the T osi who who went out of bounds deadly booting to the coffin cor- score. Kelley, kicking specialist, on Terror 6-yard line. ners gave Boston College its sixth sent in to boot point-he missed. Four plays later Freitas was over victory in seven games, over the In the second period, Dunn in- for a touchdown. Terrors final two Green Terrors, on a slippery grid- tercepted one of Freitas' passes and points came through a fine coffin iron on the Heights. The Eagles was headed toward a touchdown corner kick by Dunn to Eagles' two won 12-9. Their scores traceable to when he was brought to earth by yard line. Boston feared to kick Freitas' passes-while the Terrors Freitas on Boston College's 37-yard from behind own goal line. Gave got their score by a touchdown, marker. The Terrors then drove to Terrors two points-a safety. Score the conversion of the point and the Eagles' 14-yard line where they Boston College, 12; Western Mary. the present of a safety. Game one were stopped only momentarily, land, 9. Final score. Final game of most thrilling ever seen on however, as a lateral pass, Sch- of season. Final game for Co-Cap- Alumni Field. wieker to McNally, brought ball tains Sadausky and Dunn; also First period uneventful until to 4-yard line. Dunn smashed at McNally, Shilling, Willis, Hur- Dougan intercepted a Terror pass. line twice, on third play Shepherd ley and Diksa for the Terrors who He was downed on his own 45- rounded Eagles left flank for a on a foreign field gave their all for yard line. An exchange of punts touchdown. Eagles recoverd a Ter- victory, but in defeat they had gave the Eagles the ball on Ter- ror fumble on their own 30-yard fought a fine battle.-! rors' 19-yard line. A pass from line. Driscoll made 17 yards. Ma- BOB WHITE, Freitas to Driscoll placed the ball honey added 18 more on a reverse Boston Sunday Post. PAGE ~62
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