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\lOIHIA Out playing their opponents de- pass perfectly-threw Bradley for interference formed-cleared away cisively, the Western Maryland 10-yard loss. Georgetown punted- -Shepherd walked over with con- Terrors clicked off a 20-0 victory Mergo brought ball back to 16 summate ease. over Georgetown in the fifth an- yards to 37-yard line-Mergo In fourth quarter Georgetown nual game of their annual football made four yards-MacNally 12- in desperate attempts to score series at the Baltimore Stadium. Ferguson 5-Shepherd ran rest of hurled many passes. Ferguson A comparatively small crowd of 5,000 spectators saw the Terrors way, 15 yards For touchdown- grabbed one and returned it 50 score a touchdown in each of the Shepherd kicked point. yards to Hoyas 13-yard line. Mac- first two periods and then push After touchdown Georgetown Nally and Ferguson made three across the third in the final stanza. received-brought kickoff back 30 yards at center. Shepherd plunged Western Maryland kicked to yards-Shepherd intercepted Hoy- same hole at center for his third Hoyas to start game; after an ex- as pass-carried it 20 yards to touchdown, then kicked extra change of punts, Terrors pushed Georgetown ·24-yard line. Terrors point. to Georgetown's 40-yard line when made 8 yards in two tries-Shep- Western Maryland's line re- MacNally got away for a 23-yard herd made 5 yards and first down pulsed every Georgetown drive run. After a couple of plays Mer- as .quarter ended. First play in sec- and when the Washingtonians go kicked out of bounds on Hoyas ond quarter Shepherd, circled end called 01) their overhead game the II-yard line. Georgetown quick- for 11 yards and touchdown-he alert Green Terror secondary inter- kicked to middle of the field. Mer- missed the point. On touchdown cepted a number of their passes. ·go kicked out of bounds on 17- play the blocking was beautiful to W. WILSON W.INGATE, yard line-Blissman played lateral watch-Shepherd took his time- Btl!timore American. GEORGETOWN VS. WESTERN MARYLAND PAG E 159
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