Page 164 - YB1934
P. 164
ALOIHlft THE SUN TERRORS TAKE STATE LEAD forced to punt. McNally brought try for the point just as the first BY BEATING TERRAPINS the ball back to the Terrapin's 48- half ended. In an epic struggle that was yard line-In eight plays the Ter- The Terrapins tallied early in the characteristic of old time battles be; rors had scored--on one of the second half through a 67-yard tween the two rival teams prior to plays Shepherd sprinted 25 yards touchdown sprint by Sachs, Mary., the runaway scores of 1931 and before being forced out of bounds land fullback. Widmeyer kicked the 1932, the Terrors conquered the --Shepherd on the touchdown play point which made the score Ter- Terrapins, 13-7. Bill Shepherd, Ter- was afforded perfect blocking- rors 13, Terrapins 7. This Mary- ror coach for the second successive Shepherd then added the point. land touchdown ending the scoring Saturday, again made all of his The second Terror touchdown ing for the afternoon. The rest of team's points. The game was drive began on the Terrapin 48- the struggle was nip and tuck with played under perfect weather
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