Page 167 - YB1934
P. 167
ALOIHIA FRESHMAN FOOTBALL SQUAD FIRST Row-Henderson, Lacone, Coe, Lathrop, McKenzie, Crawshaw, Skinner. SECOND Row-Sharrer, Reifsneider, Walker, Strayer, Wantz (Manager), Willoughby, Hunter (Coach), Warman, Shugrue. FROSH FOOTBALL For the first time since the three-year rule was adopted at Western Maryland, the Fresh football team failed to play a regular schedule of games. Many candidates manifested in- terest in the sport, but as this interest on the part of many was displayed by infrequent and spasmodic appearances at practice and as no accurate. conclusion could be reached as to the number who would report daily, a tentative schedule which was planned was dropped. Head Varsity Coach Dick Harlow, in spite of the fact that Frosh material Was scarce, gave those who reported the advantages of excellent coaching. He and Assistant Varsity Coaches Stahley and Hunter at intervals during the season gave men expert advice on how to play their respective positions. Winston Willey, former Terror player, had direct charge of the Freshmen at all times. One game was played by the Frosh team against the strong Mercersburg Academy eleven and although the Frosh were beaten, 26-0, they gave an excellent account of themselves. This game served as a medium through which the varsity coaches formulated an opinion as to the potential value of certain men on the team. No adequate opinion was drawn, but certain men handled themselves in such a way as to indicate that they, with added coaching and experience, would become varsity material. PAGE ~63
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