Page 161 - YB1934
P. 161
~lOHA Crushing two jinx with a sin- the second quarter started, tossed Terrors got only tally via safety gle blow, delivered by Stan Ku- his second perfect pass from mid . . Blissman, left end, blocked cab's sturdy right arm, St. Thom- field into Pete Tabon's waiting a punt ... Walski recoverd for a as College won their first opening arms who nabbed the ball on the safety. First quarter a seesaw af- game in nearly a decade when they Western Maryland 15-yard line fair . . . after Tommies first finally conquered Dick Harlow's and wormed his way over to make touchdown. . . . In second quar- Westetn Maryland brigade 12-2 it 12-0 in favor of St. Thomas. ter, St. Thomas scored again ..• before a hysterical Dickson assem- Coach Harlow's Terrors gave try for point blocked. . . . In blage ... Kucab, a Benny Fried- the Tommies plenty of trouble in fourth quarter Terrors pushed way man in the art of accurate passing, the first half with their deceptive to, T ommies 6-yard line . . . failed personally accounted for both tal- spinners-e-which bewildered the co :scbre. A completed lateral pass, lies, The echo of the opening locals for awhile.-In the closing fourth down failed to fool Tom- whistle had hardly died away when minutes of the first half the Mary- mies who downed Comberland ori St. Thomas chalked up their in- landers lead by Shepherd and their 3-yard line .... St. Thomas ital score which came via the Dunn brought the ball from their punted out of danger. Final score, aerial route when Kucab hurled a own 48-yard line to the Tommies St. Thomas, 12; Western Mary- 46-yard pass to Tom Kelly who 3-yard marker, but couldn't put it land, 2. stepped over the goal line under across.- Terrors attempted three TOMMY EDWARDS, the noses of three enemies. line bucks. End run failed. Tom- The Scranton Times. Mr. Kucab, a few minutes after mies took ball. THE SUN A headlong dive over the line for A Mount fumble shortly after a touchdown. Shepherd kicked the four yards by Jimmy Dunn, on the start of the second half paved extra point. one of the Western Marylands the way for the only score. Vincent MacNally and Ferguson, who numerous scoring threats gave the Hopkins, Mount fullback returned made a 50-yard dash, were the Green and Gold Terrors a hard- the kick-off to his 35-yard line, but most spectacular ball carriers of earned 7-0 victory over Mr. Saint on the second play Morris fumbled the day-but Hopkins, Mount Mary's- and B. Kaplan recovered on Mr. fullback, was the hero in defeat- The teams played before a large St. Mary's 35-yard marker. his individual play was outstand- crowd which jammed Echo field A series of thrusts at the center ing. to it's capacity. The two teams of the line, with Dunn and Shep- Both teams made frequent fought furiously, but Western herd carrying the ball placed the threats but couldn't score-, Ter- Maryland with greater power and pigskin on the four-yard line. rors well on way to touchdown more science continuously pounded Shepherd was stopped but Dunn when final gun stopped game. at the Mountaineer goal line. leaped across a mass of players for Associated Press. PAGE 151
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