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JANE KATHERINE KRINER BBB Biology-High Sdool Sd~n,".-Hi.lory Hagerstown, Maryland Hagerstown High School Chester High Scheel Y. W. C. A. I. 2, 3. 4; Co/l~g~ Sunday School I, 2; Browning Liluary Sod~ly I. 2,. Phila-BrowninG Lil.rary Soddy 3: W. A. A. I, 2. 3. 4; "'M" Girl: Closs AIMdi« 1.2.3,4; HonoroUoMonlionl.3. "Mail I" We hear that ring out every morning on the second floorof McDaniel. l tis Jane-prcmpt as ever with the mail and usually a juicy bit of news. Alwaysdepend on Jane for help, no matter at what hour she iscalled upon Jane isoneofthe most conscientious workers in our Class, no mauer what subject she tackles. Especially does she like to work if the subject is biology, Jane has high ideas and ideals. butwerarely find her intolerant with those who do not live up to her standards. Once Jane has found you worthy of her friendship. she will "standby," Shly-Ni".
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