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JOHN PAUL LAMBEUTSQN "PlllIl" 6. n A Connellsville, Pennsylvania English Connellsville High School Webster L,iterary Society, Ch~pla;,:, '26, '27. Lc~der of Deb,l(ing Team '26, '27, Oro,tor 26, '27, PreSident '28; lnrcr-Collcgiarc Dcb~tH '26, '27. '28, Inter-Collegiate Debating Council, Secretary '27, President '28: Alternate Inrcr-Collegiare Orator '27. Inter-Collegiate Orator '28: "Monthly" Stalf. Assistant Advertising Manager '25. Associate Editor '26, Editor- in-Chief '27; "The Gol? Bug", St.~ff Reporter '26. Associate Editor '27, Editor-in-Chief '28: Asso,C!JteEdncr "Aloha ": Choir 25-'28: Sunday School. Treasurer '25, '26, Secretary '27, President -c. M. C. A. '28: Men's Student Government Council. Secretary '26, '27, Vice-Presi- dent '28: Norment Speech Prize '25; Honoroblc Mention '25, '26, '27; Shakespeare Club: College Players '27, '28, "Grear of heart, m(lgnanimous, courll[l, courageous," HEN a modest, unassuming Paul started in at once to excel chap came to us ~ol1r years in everything he entered. His [il ago no one realized how record in honor "points" bids fair fortunate they were in mak- to last for some time; his achieve- ing the acquaintance of one of the ments in intra and intercollegiate best students and speakers that debating and oratorical contests has ever graced the "Hill." Paul's may be pointed to with pride. sunny disposition immediately Paul's charming personality and made a lot of friends for him: but attainments will go a long way in if some one should have prophe- obtaining success in his chosen life sied the success that would fall to work-tbe ministry. "May" he his lot during his college days, it ~e live up to all of our expecta- would have been hard to believe, Si:My-three
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