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GRACE H.ENHY JONES "Henr-y" Snow Hill. Maryland and Frrnch Snow High School J. G. C. Philomathe~n Lit~rJq' Society Powder Puff. '25, '26, '27; Shakespeare Club: L~ Crrde Francais; Honorable Mention '26: Class BJshtball '25, '26, '27: Hiking Club; Y. W. C. A ET'S get Grace to imitate Henry's chief diversions are reading and playing the piano. She ':~~dS Huot%r~~te~y a[:llt~~:~ ~ has a nicety of taste in her reading friends-for the art of suc- which shows her innate fineness, cessful mimicry belongs to Henry. and her discriminatory character. She can imitate everyone and any- As to piano playing, she says she one so well and in such a good- "just can't do it." But let her hear humored way that even the per- anything sung or played once or son being imitated enjoys the twice and she can reproduce it ac- whole thing hugely. Henry's curately, and adorned with her mimicry and clever imitations have own individualistic touch. saved more than one of her friends With such a modest. yet deter- from a severe case of blues. Need- mined character. with her scholas- less to say. this art of Henry's is tic brilliance, and her saving sense much in demand, and she is an of humor. success is assured Grace adept through much hilarious prac- in whatever she may undertake. tice.
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