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KATHEHINE FHANCES JOI-INSTON "Kay" 6:SK Newark, New Jersey Soulh Side Hi!)h School Philomathem Literary Society, Critic, '25: Y. W. C. A" '25, '26, '27: Treasurer of Y. W. C. A., '26, '27: Class Baskctb~ll, '25. '26, '28: Gold Bug Reporter, '26, '27: Philo Debater, '26: Freshman Rules Committee, '26: Shakespc~re Club: POI'ts' Club; Le Cercle Francais: Chaplain, Delta Sigma Kappa, '27: Editor "The Jug." 27: College Improvement Committee, '26, '27: J. G c.. Secrernrv Inter-Club Council. '26 EOPLE who arc different source of hilarity. are always interesting-and Whenever "Kay" IS not visiting [}!] "Kay" is interesting, in her and talking. which rarely hap- own peculiarly attractive pens, she is either reading or eat- way. A keen sense of humor, ing-oh, yes, or studying, inci- which is ever expressing itself in denrallv. As bookworms go, unexpected, delightfully witty re- "Kay" goes the other way; and marks, predominates Kay's enig- yet there is scarcely a bit of litera- matic personality, Her humor- ture, classical or popular, with ous sayings furnish a complete which she is not well acquainted. antidote for an acute case of Above all, she is a loyal and "blues:' and on numerous occa- understanding pal. a real. human sions supply an inexhaustible friend, Pifty-'nin"
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