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HUBERT KENNETH KING JOHNSON "Huherl" rux Salisbury, Maryland History Wicomico High School Class President '17. '28. President Student Government Council '28. Class Representative '25, '27; President of Webster Liternrv Society '27:, ,Society, '26. 27 ~ltcrna[e 25 Society Debater '26. '27: Alternate '25: Society Cnlle '26; SOCIety Representative Inter-Col- legiate Debating Council '27. '28: Inter-Collegiate Debater '27. '28; Alternate Inter_Collegiate Orator '28: Inter-Collegiate Representative ar Deb~ting Association of Pennsylvania '28: Presi- dent of Gamma Beta Chi '28; Sergeant-at-Arms '28: Managing Editor Gold Bug '28: Reporter '25. '26. '27; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Editor of Handbook '27: Y. M C. A. Deputation Team '24, '25. "~6, '27: CJdN CJptain, Adjutant R, O. T, c.: Rifle Tum '25: Orchestra '25, '26: Advertlsmg Manager of 1928 Aloha. "CharilY lind personal force ar~ Ihe only iniJestmrnrs worth anYlhing." UBERT is perhaps the most nized his executive ability by elect- versatile member of the ing him to many responsible posi- [lClass of '28. As an orator, tions. As president of his class, of debater, or executive, Hu- the Student Council. and of his bert bas always displayed those Fraternity, Hubert has more than attributes which mark him as a justified the confidence which the leader of men. His pleasing ap- Student body has reposed in him pearance. poise, anc;! aggressive Those who know Hubert well. personality never fad to charm believe that his proper field is poli- any group with which he comes in tics, but whatever field he chooses contact. he can achieve only success. His fellow students have recog-
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