Page 45 - YB1928
P. 45
KATIIRYN HHVAN "KiIlY" W.W. Milford, Delaware Y. W. C. Lc Cerc\e '26, '27; 0, most of her friends, Artistically inclined, of which . Kitty" has been a "sur- her musical accomphsbmenrs arc [ilJ prise-packer." Nor Chat we only parr evidence. her tendency are so unscientific as to be toward the temperamental is bal- astonished that beauty and brains anced by that rare auribuce known go together so perfectly, but one as common sense. just doesn't expect "a tiny French Most outstanding of all. this doll." no matter how clever-look- little lady has the faculty for ing. to be brilliant, practical. tal- clear-thinking and that complete en ted with a host of virtues in the sci f-possession which is its natural train. And she has most of them: result. "Kitty" is the "Captain" dignity, a sense of humor. tact, of her small ship and she will steer taste. grace. poise, initiative and it into safe harbors. originality.
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