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LOUISE LLOYD HUGHLETT .l ~ I, History-English Trappe, Maryland Easton High School Philornathean literary Society; Epi,cop,,1 Club: HIking Club '26: Class Basketball '24 '27; Aloha Staff: ~::; K, Treasurer 'H; J. G, C,; S, 0, K,: v, W, C, A.; Powder Puffs '26 G AY, irresponsible, full of life-that's is always the We have never seen her "Wees", mood -she same happy, care'~ree il~ an unappreciative girl! Her whole countenance bespeaks of the love of joy and sunshine. Her whole self is nothing but "Pep" and dance! Can she? Does she? Her week-ends in Annapolis will testify to this Perhaps you may think "Wees" ,is never serious--:-bul her scholastic stand- -ing will show that she is interested III the deeper things of life, Her major is History, and if you could hear her arguments in the classroom!? Her sunny disposition has won for her many friends on College Hill- and other places that have been privileged to share her .happines~. With her wide circle of fnen,ds "Wees'~ has always had a good time, despite the many diffi- culties in leaving the "HIll" How familiar to us are those words that "Wees" is having too many week-ends. ~~t luck has followed her closely, "Wees" says she IS gomg to j01l1 the ranks of the business world-will she? We are doubting that, as we ~hink she wil,l become a prominent member in social realms. Whatever vocation, here's Wishing "Wccs" the greatest happi-
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