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P. 71
j_ 1 HELEN VIRGIN fA HUNTER "Ginnie" W.W. French-Hiotory Westminster,Maryland Western Marybnd Prcpa"atory School Browning Literary Society: W. W" Sunshine Messenger '27; Le Ce-clc Francais '27: Episcopal Club '26, '27. "Vcrtery is the spice of life." HI.S lin~ is symbolical of "Ginnie" a.s we have known he.r i,l.' '.h~ scholastic T ,lOJ social life of our college days. One va nety is in her disposition One minute she is in the depths of despair, and the next she IS Stttlllg on top of the world. "Ginnie" is always ready for a good time, but frivolity is not her only attribute. Her pep, class spirit, loyalty to her friends, and personality are evidences of this fact. "Ginnie's" versatility in the scholastic field is indicated in the scope of her language course - from classic to romantic. Social life claims much of "Ginnie's" spare time. Dancing is her special avocation, and we hear that she is particularly skilled in "tripping on the light fantastic toe" We hope that she may live as she dances, exuberantly, and free from care, yet with grace and dignity, plIg~ sixt)'·s~l'C" THE eLQH!) 192.7 ___ ~'-'-t ~. _~~_
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