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ELBERT MILTON HANNOLD "Chalky" History Westville, New Jersey Woodbury High School Union College Class Basketball '25, '26, '27; Class Baseball '25: Gold Bug Staff '26; Monthly Staff '26; Varsity Football '25, '26: Officers Club; Vic;:- President Student Government '27: Y. M, C, A, Treasurer '26, President '27, N_o matter where-"A Man" HALKY made his first appearance as our fellow student at the middle of C our sophomore year. Immediately upon official registration he took on an attitude becoming to every loyal Western Marylander, One can only judge as to [he vacancy he left in the ranks of his class at Union by his life on College Hill. Yesterday, a new student, today, one of us, leading a life which fairly glistens and glows with those characteristics which reveal exactness of personality. A friend to all, an enemy to none. Wishing each individual with whom he comes in contact "God's speed", smiling, living, loving Contented, ah, but never satisfied, thus forever growing and in turn placing for himself new standards of objectives. We may all gain by Chalky's example, for truly our goal, or objective for which we strive, is only valuable to the degree that it is above our present level and thus requires effort and sacrifice for its attammenr. Unlike so many of us he has not won a name as a scholar, but has also participated in athletics, especially so football- a man's game, for men. Chalky's belief in true sportsmanship, and justice, is revealed not only in athletics, but in every branch of his life's work. Fair, and fully capable of passing an unbiased opinion. Be your life work - law, continuation in Y. M. C. A. work or whatnot - "we" the class of twenty-seven, wish you success and happi- ness in all your undertakings. The world is always waiting to receive men such as you have proven to be. Go to it. Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. page sixty-two
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