Page 75 - YB1927
P. 75
y JOHN HENRY ABNER LA WSQN "Poss" rBX "YOt! can't tell by the size of a frog how faT he is going to leap" in Pose's eye marks the personality of our most is a fellow with the ability to turn a Quaker meeting and vice versa. "The Kid" is always full of "Poss's" personality and character made a big impression on his classmate.>, fraternity brothers, and student body. His popularity and ability have won for him fWD of the most honored positions at Western Maryland, that of Student Government President, and President of his fraternity. His executive ability has been his keynote ol success, and it is expected to carryon in the years to come, As an athlete, "Pcss" was one to take extreme interest in all sports. He always attended the games and rooted with the same vigor that he displayed while playing. The class of '27 will long remember his good work in basketball, and baseball, and he was always one to smile and congratulate the other fellow, even though he lost. His authority in accepted, his advice generally followed, and his actions were in even if it was "Parlor" The best he deserves, and the best THE fL:QH!;) 192.7 Ii _= 1):
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