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BLANCHE CAROLYN FORD "Fordie" French-History Elkton, Maryland Elkton High School Philomathean Literary Society, Pianist '24, '2i, '26; Sunday School. Musical Director '24, Organist '25, '26, '27; Baker Chapel Choir '24, '25, '26, '27: Powder Puffs '24, '2,), '26, '27, Y. W, C, A. '26; Poets Club, Secretary '2,), Vice-President '26; Le CerciI' Francais, Secre- tary '27; J, C. C,; Class Basketball '25, Varsity Basketball '26, '27; Cold Bug Staff, News Edi- tor '27: Qrchl'stra; College Players '26, '27: Hon- orablcMcntion'2i,'26;"38" "My wa)'s are highways where only music hes." B LAN.CHE and .music are Sy.nonyms to those,who in September, 1923, enoug~l IS have. been fortunate to know her since her advent "on the Hill" She indispensable: In any musical program, either for vorce or piano selections. Western Maryland College is indebted to her for several songs, while her class- mates probably honor her most for their own class song, The nicest thing about her is that she doesn't have La be coaxed, she seems irresistibly drawn to a piano, This charming girl's versatility knows no limits; talented singer, accomplished actress, varsity basketball player, tennis star, director par excellence, honor student, and master pianist are but a few of her acquired titles. Despite her all- round activities at school, Blanche finds time to spend many week-ends "far afield". Her loves are - tennis, Chryslers, and a pipe-organ. Add to all this her constant good-nature and her untiring efforts to help others, and it will be easily understood why '27 and all W, M, C, will long remember "Fordic as one of the classmates all so loyal, every cne true blue" page srxey-cne Jl I lirIll
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