Page 64 - YB1927
P. 64
MARrON HOOVER FERGUSON "Freddie" W.W. l.atin-English Westminster, Maryland "Friendship, mysterious cement Sweeter of life, and solder of "F REDDIE" is just one of those persons whose capacity for friendship is this noble member of our class, we might say, that it is almost entirely unlimited, The reason for this is evident, but for those who do not know attributed to her unusual generosity, unselfishness and sincerity, Neither a book worm nor a social butterfly, neither a saint nor a sinner, Freddie has adhered to a normal course of life, which may at first sound quite customary, but in the final analysis reveals a character of much excellence We are all familiar with the expression "you can't judge by first impres- sions" The truth of this statement is clearly exposed when applied to "Freddie" Judging from her serious mien, who would believe her capable of the mischievous wit which is so characteristic of her? However, when the time for earnest work arrives, Freddie can set aside this sense of humor and do her share, With a heaping measure of seriousness, scholarship, and sincerity, and an invigorating dash of fun, wit, and humor - thoroughly blended - we have the recipe for friendship as "Freddie" portrays it. T
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