Page 105 - YB1927
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-I ELIZABETH "Lib" WARREN History-English 1 Snow Hill, Maryland Snow Hill High School Philomathean Y. W. C. A. '25; J. G. C.; Class Hiking Club: Shake~peare Club. "Give me of of fun WiJat I with or a WOft! out pun?" ATE took a wealth of _love, added a barrel of, fun and wit, mi,xed an ample P portion of sincerity, Friendship, and co-operation and made "Lib" "Only my friends call me 'Lib'," says she. Meaning everyone calls her "Lib", for she is a real Friend to all. Not that the class of '27 lacked any spirit or pep before last year, but there was a sudden spurt, a happy feeling, when "Lib" declared herself one of the happy throng "to keep the pep" and "set the step" for '27. And speaking of "Lib's" excess pep - how well do we recall the echo of her melodious voice before day-break while she prepared herself to play tennis on the lower court; how often have we held our sides with laughter while "Lib" played the role of the tal1 and handsome king in "Philo." And how often have we cheered her snappy and faithful work as side-center on our class team. She is a real sport- every inch of her. "Lib" predicts for herself the traditional "old-maid school teacher", but we know better. Just catch a glimpse of that twinkle in her laughing eyes as she says it and you wil1 laugh too. Whatever it be, nothing can be too good for "Lib" The best of everything is '27's wish. page One h"ndredon!
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