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VIRGINIA BEAUCHAMP WILSON "Ginna" French-History Virginia Cheriton School Philomathean literary Society, Treasurer '26; t., Cercle Francais; Y. W. C. A.; J. G. C.; Class Basketball '24: Varsity Basketball '2~, '26, '27; Class Volley Ball '27; Athletic Editor of Aloha E?~b~~~;<;;i~f,.'2~,'26, '27; Manager of Hiking "It was her heart beat so warm 'That gave her a "I'lameiesĀ£ cha.,m." HE,. un.ny state of Virginia m.ust have smiled graciously on its namesake, T our "Oinna" Wilson, for in no other way can we account for the lovable qualities in her. From the tip-top of her auburn head to her basketball loving toes Ginna is a fun' loving, jolly, companion. Telling jokes, reading College Humor, teasing, and playing basketball are her choice ways of finding the "silver lining" To W. M. C., Ginna and basketball have become almost synonyms; we haven't decided yet whether basketball made Jinks famous, or Jinks made W. M. C. basketball famous. Perhaps her red-head is to blame for her temperament, for in spite of all her worthy abilities, we have yet to find the dependability of Ginna. Changeable as the wind, lovable as the sunshine with a capacity for fun, and friendship tempered with the spark of love and leaven of serious ambition - that is Ginna to all her classmates. To her friends, she is even more of a personality. It is this variable and happy personality that we are expecting to place Ginna in a successful and enjoyable position in life. I ~hundred~iX THE (!LQHl) 192.7 . , f ""'"4 ~
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