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WILLIAM PERRY TRAIL "Bill" Methcmatics Rockvil!e,Maryland Rockvill~ High School Irving literary Club: Rinc Team '25,'26 A WISE lives It, BIll surely has the Jump on some of us here, for many there man i5.he that has such a ,philosophy of li.fe and a \."'iser man is he that are that have Ideals but few that make them a living reality To say that he is "hot" at math. is putting it mild, but it clearly shows the realiz.ation of an objective here at college, the result of perseverance plus work To the casual observer four years ago, Bill was a shy, timid freshman; to the same person today, he is a man of poise. Another objective - if you please. However, he has not been all absorbed in merely what the college had to offer. His Iarcres:s have been quite varied. Although not an athlete himself, he has always been a staunch loyal Western Marylander. He also carried outside work along with studies for three years. To Bill this is not the end, merely the means to the end, a that which lies beyond. He has truly gained knowledge from ing in the present. and living for the future. And Bill, as objectives as you will continue to do, may you ever cling to conrinuallv moves onward and upward to the end, bringing the faction, cnn:entmenl and happiness THE ~OH!} 192.7 __-_Lt===:1~~_===i:± k
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